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Monday, March 21, 2011

New Blog

Here is my new blog. I had help from my favorite teacher, Mrs. Rumsey. (Sorry Mr.Violette) What's up with that??? LOL (:

This a picture of my baby sister. She all ways copies me and when ever I am in the shower she decides to come in.


  1. I'm so glad to see you blogging again. I'm glad I could help you out! Keep thinking of great things to write about!

  2. And for the next blog post, try adding in a link.

  3. That is funny when ever you are in the shower she comes in to, What is it like having a sister that little

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. She is very cute. I am going to have a baby cousin soon. Good post.

  6. She is so cute how old is she?

  7. Hi Grant your blog is nice. Your baby sister is cute.


  8. That is one beautiful little sister! I wonder how much her world will change in comparison to yours - things are changing so quickly and school might be completely different for her!
    Great new blog!
    Regards, Mrs Hogg (Sydney, Australia)

  9. to Kaiya... it is a lot of fun and sometimes it is anoying.

  10. Hey Grant!
    When Mrs. Rumsey said you had a new blog I knew I had to visit! I hope you will make another post soon because I love hearing what our old third graders are doing after they learn too much to stay in third grade!
    Congratulations on your little sister. I'm sure you will make and excellent big brother!

  11. Keep blogging Grant, I luv ur baby sister! So Cute! Plz post another. Can you tell me more about her?
